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I have contractors who get paid via Stripe Connect accounts. Basically the client pays a fee and a part of it gets routed to me as the business owner (Stripe refers to it as a “platform fee”) and the other to my contractor.


Is there a way to set this up within the event booking page? I don’t think there is and if so, when will this be available?

Hello, @CoachMaria - great question!

We have integrations with both Stripe and PayPal. You can connect your Stripe or PayPal account to Calendly to collect payments when your invitees schedule with you. If you don't use these services, you could add a custom link to your confirmation page that leads to your preferred payment provider. You could also customize your invitee notification emails to include that link!

At this time, there is no way to do what you are asking. All payments made via our Stripe integration will be the full payment amount that you set on your event type, and you would be responsible for then dispersing whatever percentage/amount to another person that you might need to do. I cannot offer any insight on whether or not the feature you are requesting will be available, and if so, when, via Calendly right now. I apologize for the inconvenience! I will make sure to mark your feedback for our product team to review, though! 

I hope that you have a great day. Let us know if you need anything else!