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Super-basic sync question

  • 9 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi there folks,


This may seem super-basic, but I also can’t find it spelled out anywhere:


I have one paid account with more than one event type.


When one time slot gets booked by a customer on one event type, the same time slot automatically becomes unavailable across the other event type schedules, right?


I would assume so.  But as I say, I can’t find it spelt out anywhere.






P.S. While searching this help forum, I saw a few requests for a way to set ‘master unavailability overrides’ across all event types with one operation. Has this arrived yet? :)

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Userlevel 7

Hey there @Jason37635 -- great question! Welcome to Calendly Community!

The answer here is simple: yes! Calendly will not allow overlapping events in an attempt to avoid double-booking. So, if you have three event types and one of them is booked for this coming Monday at 130pm EST, then all three of your ETs will automatically be unavailable for Monday at 130pm EST. 

To answer your second question: you can set yourself up as “unavailable” across all event types by using Availability Schedules and implementing “date specific hours” to block off time. Even more easily, you can block off time on your connected calendar and make sure it’s marked to be checked for conflicts on your Calendar Sync page. 

I hope this helps!

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