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Surveying availability

  • 9 November 2023
  • 3 replies

I would like to use Calendly for the following purpose. Can anyone offer some advice, please?

There is a group of 6, each with a different availability. I send an availability survey once in every few months, and ask when it is most suitable for us to meet. Right now, I am looking at the period between January 1 and April 30, 2024. I want to offer biweekly meetings based on their availability. 

It will look like this: 
“Let’s meet up biweekly for 2 hours, anytime between 5:00 pm and 10:00 pm, starting from January 1, 2024 till April 30, 2024.”

Something like recurring meetings, you know, I give them the 5 pm to 10 pm time for all days of the week, and each will make their own choices. 5-7 or 6-8 or 7-9 or 8-10. Then, the day and hours that gets most participants will be selected every other week.

The outcome will look like this:

Mon-Jan 8:          5-7 pm
Wed-Jan 24:        8-10 pm
Tue-Feb 6:           5-7 pm

Mon-Feb 19:       6-8 pm


etc. etc.

Is there a way to do this? if not Calendly, what other method do you recommend except using my xls files?

Thank you for your time and input.


Hello @Ebbie78!

Oh we can definitely help you with this.

One of the cool features Calendly has is meeting polls (learn more here) and even cooler is that you can turn the results from meeting polls right into events.

The only thing you should be aware of for your specific scenario is that you’re limited to 40 slots per meeting poll and there are 121 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) between the two dates you mentioned. If we assume that you’re targeting half of these (every other week), that’s ~60 days and you’ve got 5 hours worth of slots per day. I’d probably consider breaking the meeting poll up into a monthly meeting poll and offering up 2 options for a 2 hour duration each evening, for examples one at 6pm and one at 8pm?

Let me know if this helps!

Hello Jillian,

Thank you so much for the speedy reply. It was the best response I came by. Very helpful.

Hey @Ebbie78 - I am so glad Jillian’s incredible reply helped! (I love seeing everything come together like that for our users, like you!)

Looking over your use case, I wanted to give you a few other features to look into over time, in case they might ever benefit you: 

Hopefully this proves helpful in the future! You might also benefit from both our New User Guide and our Company Admin Guide in our jam-packed Help Center. I hope you have a great weekend and a Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate!