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I set the text reminder on for the invitee and I know it is going to set up a field in the event questions as a phone number. Can we make this field compulsory? Because according to our sales process, it is compulsory to send a text message reminder to the customer. I can add a phone number as a compulsory question but then there will be two fields for the customer to fill which might be a problem to them. 

Also what if we go ahead with that option to keep both fields and the customer avoids the phone number field for the text reminder, does Calendly automatically pick the phone number field in the question? 

Much appreciated the support. Thank you



Hi @GreatSouthlandBullion,

While you can make the phone number question field mandatory, it’s more for your information than anything else. It does not automatically apply to the SMS workflow field. The SMS/text reminder phone number field cannot be made mandatory and invitees are also able to opt out of it later even if they do provide their number.

So what to do? I’d recommend making it clear during the booking process how their phone number will be used and where to fill it in. If invitees are expecting it and are comfortable with the use, there’s a way better chance of them opting in and staying opted in.

Good luck!