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The way a profile photo appears when sharing Calendly links on social media

  • 29 November 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi.  When I share my Calendly links via social media, the tiny profile pic of me (which works well in the Calendly website) appears pretty big in the share image.  This always puts me off sharing my link via DMs and posts, because the large photo of myself looks a little on the narcissistic side! 

I don’t suppose there is a trick to change how large the photo appears in shared links on social media, or a way to toggle this off as a share image (but keep it as a profile pic when people are using Calendly)? 

I assume the only way is to change or delete the photo from my profile so it doesn’t appear anywhere?  Is that right?

I’ve attached a screenshot showing how the link appears now.  *slight shudder of embarrassment at how big the photo is*  


Hey there @Levi_Newcastle - great question!

Firstly, I wanted to say that I personally do not find this photo off-putting or narcissistic at all! I think that it looks professional and thoughtful, if that matters in the slightest😂

Secondly, there is unfortunately no way to alter the size of the image on social media when sharing your link (not from within Calendly, anyway). This is something controlled by the social media platform and how they furl their links. 

The only true solution on the Calendly side would be to remove the avatar, as you suggested. You might also be able to reach out to the social media platforms you are sharing on to find out more. I know this isn't exactly what you wanted to hear but do hope the information helps, at least somewhat!