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This spanish translation reduces conversion

  • 17 July 2024
  • 4 replies

This spanish translation reduces conversion:

“Los detalles de la conferencia web se proporcionan en la confirmación.”

Could you please improve it or hide? It is unnecessary and it reduces trust and conversion.

Thank you!



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4 replies

Userlevel 7

Hello @Rafa22840 -- thanks for your post!

Where is this translation, if you do not mind informing me? 

I need a bit more information in order to make sure your feedback makes it to the right place. 


Looking forward to hearing back from you!

Hi Kelsi. Here you can see it.


In Spanish, this translation could sound like those details are like “service hide conditions” or something similar.

I think that there is no need to inform about how the meeting will be in this point. And because of that I would remove this or give the user (me, I mean the user of Calendly) the option to hide it.



And as there are many and different ways to do the meeting (phone, meet, zoom… etc) I know you need to put a very general sentence in there.

So, I see 2 ways more to solve this problem:

1.- that this sentences is “editable by calendly (pro?) user” (making business… 😎)

2.- it changes automatically depending on the meeting method selected for this type of event.


I hope I have explained it ok. I tried it because I think your tool is great but could improve UX and conversion with this little change.


Thank you,






Userlevel 7

Hey again @Rafa22840 -- thanks for following up with such a thorough outline of this for me!

I will definitely make sure to include this feedback in our report for the month. I cannot make promises about if or when it might be changed, so keep that in mind! I can absolutely elevate your voice though.

I hope you have a great day! 

Thank you Kelsi.

I hope you can keep me inform about any progress.

