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Time error

  • 21 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi I have had 2 clients tell me today that they have booked in an appointment for 4 or 5pm, I am receiving this information as a booking. That part is all good. 

But when they get the email confirmation, they are getting notified that the meeting is booked for 14 hrs earlier.

For example the client booked in for a 3pm call on Friday, their notification says the call is 5am Friday. The have booked calls with me before and never had this problem.

The only thing I can think of is that I may have sent a one time link, instead of the normal ongoing link, could this be a problem?

Can you direct me as to how i can check and correct any errors in the ‘one time’ use link?



Hey @Katie83706 - thanks for your post!

Firstly, it’s unlikely to be a single-use link issue, as only one invitee would be able to book via a single-use link, and you said that two invitees have booked and had this issue. Correct? 

Secondly, you cannot make changes to One-Off Meeting types once they are published (which is the type you are referring to that generates a single-use link).

When you create a one-off meeting, it will be under “scheduled events” > “pending” until an invitee books it, at which point it will be moved to “scheduled events” > “upcoming” like all other bookings. That said, when you create a one-off meeting and changes need to be made, you have to go to “pending” and delete it, then create a new one. If it’s already been booked, you have to go to “upcoming” and cancel it, then again, create a new one.

It is possible that you created two separate one-off meetings and sent a link to each invitee. If this is the case and you incorrectly chose the timezone for those, then you’ll need to delete/cancel and send new links to your invitees. 

If that is not the case and you did send links to a regular one-on-one event type, then what’s most likely going on here is an issue with time zones.

Calendly intelligently detects the time zone of your invitees based on their device settings on your live scheduling page. When they visit your scheduling page, your availability will be displayed in their time zone. If it is your goal to only have in-person meetings, then you will want to lock the way time zones appear to your invitees. You can learn more about Calendly's time zone settings here.

If your invitees are getting booking confirmations in a time that they do not expect, it’s most likely that they are booking in a different time zone than intended without realizing it. This could be because they are using a VPN, or because their device settings are in the wrong time zone, or because their calendar settings are in the wrong time zone and so on. Tell your invitees to check all of the above for you and see if that’s the issue.

When you get the booking confirmation, is the time correct for you? If so, that most likely means my above assumption is right. If the time is also incorrect for you, take a look at your own device settings, calendar settings, and Calendly account settings. Read more below: 

I hope this helps! Let me know if you cannot resolve this and I’ll help dig further.