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I have opened my calendar from 6 am to 12: am each day.

I have set the duration for the 3 hours I need.

I have sent the number of appointments each day to  7 

BUT, the page only shows sign up times through 6 PM…..I Cannot figure how to get the 9 pm to 11:59 slot to show up.

What am I doing wrong?

Hi ​@Kelly80564!

This is going to sound like a rather silly reason, but you’re out of time for that 9pm-11:59pm event! 3 hours from 9pm would take you to 12pm which is technically the next day. 11:59 is 2 hours and 59 minutes.

To get around this issue, I’d suggest modifying the event to be perhaps 2 hours and 55 minutes. A few other settings you’ll want to double check if you go this route:

  • Availability is to set to 11:59pm each night.
  • Meeting duration is something less than 3 hours (you can do 2 hours, 59 minutes if you want!)
  • Start time increments is set to 3 hours.

Hope this helps!

Thank you Jillian, but it doesn’t seem to let me do a 2:59 meeting  it’s asking for whole numbers……?

I tried changing it to 179 minutes, but that changed the times for all of the other entries for the day. I’m quite flummoxed.

Hi ​@Kelly80564 - Just to confirm, do you have any other events blocking off those times? For example, I’ve setup my event with a 179 minute duration, but 3 hour increments and it appears to have maximized the available times. The only difference is that 12 & 3pm are blocked off by events in my calendar.

Is this close to what you’re wanting to see on your calendar as well? Let me know!
