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Hi there,

I have set up integration with our organisation's marketing automation platform to handle all email notifications when booking through Calendly, but we can't turn off the notifications from Calendly. While this doesn't seem possible currently, could this please be passed on as a feature request.


Hey there @JacksonOberg - thanks so much for posting this topic and for the explanation of your use case! While you’re fresh to Calendly, check out our New User Guide and our Company Admin Guide - they are both incredibly helpful while you learn the ropes!

To your point - you are right on the nose. It’s not currently possible to turn off booking notifications sent by either Calendly (email confirmations) or your connected (add-to) calendar (calendar invitations) - you will always have to choose one or the other for each event type. I am more than happy to submit this as a feature request, but I cannot promise if or when it might be implemented in the future. That said - please consider it part of our monthly feedback report for the product team. They’ll absolutely hear it and they always consider user feedback when working to improve Calendly.

Just to offer some more insight regarding your booking notifications - with Calendly, there are two types of notifications: Email Confirmations & Calendar invitations.

  1. With Email ConfirmationsCalendly sends the invitee an email notification from and has a reply-to address that's associated with your Calendly login email. You can modify this on Account Settings page.
  2. With Calendar Invitations, your connected calendar sends the invitee a notification of the booked meeting which has a reply-to address that's associated with your Add to calendar email on your Calendar Connection page.

Note: Calendar invitations are not compatible with the Outlook Plugin (for Windows users). Users with either of these calendar connections set up as their "add-to calendar" on their Calendar Connection page will be defaulted to Email Confirmations. 

It might benefit you to switch all of your (and your team’s) booking notifs to “calendar invitations” so that your invitees aren’t getting redundant emails. You can stick with the emails from your CRM + the automatically added calendar invitations sent by your add-to calendar - which might pair very nicely! Just an idea from someone that’s been helping users like you set up things like this for a while. ;) 

I hope this helps!