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We have an organization with 3 emails. We wish upgrade only 2 to a Standard plan. The Admin email does not require an upgrade. Can we

  • do this for just the 2 email addresses? OR
  • can I remove the admin as the organiser so just the 2 upgradable emails remain OR 
  • separate them all entirely to stand alone accounts? 

Hey @Cstone - great questions!

At this time, we don't have an 'Admin' role in a Calendly organization that doesn't use a paid seat. If the administrator would be comfortable sharing the 'Owner' account with someone, I'd recommend securely sharing login credentials with someone who does intend to use their personal scheduling page or be included in Team event types. If you are using SSO credentials, I can remove this for you and set you up with a Calendly-specific logon that you feel more comfortable with sharing.

There is no way to upgrade some and not all seats within a Calendly organization. All users within an organization must be on the same plan. 

You can do either of your second options if you’d prefer - removing the admin and upgrading the remaining two accounts, or removing all users so they all have their own accounts. 

Read more about removing users here. The owner or an admin will have to be the one to do this. 

I hope this helps!

p.s. check out our New User Guide and our Company Admin Guide for tips and tricks as you learn the Calendly ropes. Good luck! 


Yes, this helps. If we separate all uses via Removing Users from the group. Will their accounts continue as normal, and they can access their account themselves individually? 

Hey again @Cstone - yes and no. 

When the owner removes users, those user accounts will automatically default to accounts on our free plan with only free features available. The users will retain access to their calendar connections, bookings already made, integrations etc. but all paid features will be inaccessible until/unless each user individually decides to upgrade their own account (on a solo plan). 

You can read more about our plans, pricing and features on our Pricing Page! Note: an annual subscription will result in a 20% discount for all paid plans!

I hope this helps!