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We want to upgrade Calendly but we’re not sure which plan is best for us- whether it’s Standard or Teams, and we can’t really come to a conclusion from the feature chart.
Mainly we need to customize fields in the form when someone books a call.

Here’s what we need:

1- Add more fields to the form like name of company.

2- Limit to business email only and not personal email.

3- Customize the look & feel

Which plan is best for us?


Hi ​@Yang21701 - Thanks for reaching out!

The Team plan may be the best idea, especially when considering your needs. I’ve linked some resources below for your requests!

  1. How to add or remove invitee questions to the booking form
  2. Preventing scheduling with non-business/unwanted email domains

In regards to your 3rd need, could you tell me a bit more of what you’re looking for? Are you looking to customize the layout of Calendly for your users? If so, this is not a feature at this time, but you can customize your embeds on our paid plans. You can learn more about this here: How to embed and customize Calendly on your website


Let me know if you have any questions!
