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  • 18 November 2023
  • 10 replies

Hey Calendly community, i want to integrate calendly in my agency, so integrate calendars in my apps in production for my clients. I would like to know some things if someone has knowledge about.

  1. Is it possible to have multiple seats/calendars (not events) for 1 email/account? i have clients that needs multiple caledars to manage but in the same account.

So i’ll  have my main agency account, and then i would like to have different subaccounts, each one for each business wich i will manage, and for each subaccount 1 or more seats/calendars (not events).


  1. Is it possible to not only make calendly read for busy/free and write new appoitments on connected google calendars, but also when i delete an event in my google calendar will be deleted also in caledly?
    i tried this and when i delete only in google calendar, the event will not be deleted in calendly, but i i’ll have to delete that appointment inside calendly.
    this is not crucial but would be good because clients will not need to login calendly everytime they want to delete/reschedule , but they will just edit this on thei google calendar.

Thanks in advance if someone can delucidate those points!

Hey there @OpraMInd! Great questions! Let me address them in the order they were asked: 

  1. You cannot have multiple login email addresses/seats per Calendly account, but you can connect up to six calendars per individual account to be checked for conflicts.
  2. You can set up your main account with your main email address as the login, then add an additional paid seat for each business you will be managing - each of these seats is an individual account that can have up to six connected calendars of their own.
  3. If your goal here is to allow multiple businesses to operate out of your main Calendly account with their own employees as hosts, you can do that by adding them all as additional paid seats/users to your own account and then sorting them all for each business using Teams Pages. This would make you the owner of your Calendly organization with many businesses managed by you - and each business can have its own teams page with many additional users (paid seats) on it as you need, team branding and so on. It still remains true that each user can have up to six connected calendars as well.
  4. As an account owner, admin, or group admin, you can place members of your organization into groups - read more here
  5. Yes! If you click “edit” next to your “add to calendar” section you can choose to “sync cancellations.” This will result in Calendly events that are deleted or cancelled from your Google Calendar also being cancelled in Calendly. See below: 












This Company Admin Guide will help you get started with creating your Calendly organization! I hope this helps! Let us know if you have more questions! 


Hey @KelsiEllie , thank you for the reply, got the point where i can connect also the cancellations of events from google calendar so final clients can edit appointments directly from their google.

But one thing i don’t uderstand is, imagine i want a single email account, for 1 business, this business want 15 calendars (cause they have 15 studios inside the clinic), i create a team page for this business, i pay 15 seats obviously, but can i have all the 15 seats/calendars, just under one email/account (wich is the account of the specific clinic) instead of treating all calendars as single users and add one email and one account for each calendars seats?

basically have multiple seats under same business account/email , is this possible?


Hey @OpraMInd - so glad we’ve gotten you part way through your goals, here!

The bottom line here is that no, a single Calendly account cannot be associated with more than one (login) email address and cannot connect more than six (6) calendar accounts. One (1) single calendar account can be used as the “add to” calendar for each individual Calendly account (each login/paid seat) and five (5) additional calendars can be checked for conflicts in an all or nothing manner (all event types that user is assigned to or none will check all calendars connected to be checked for conflicts). 

You will need 15 paid seats (individual Calendly accounts), one for each instance needed (each host or event type that needs to overlap with other event types regardless). You will need a teams page for each business you manage where you can then add additional users in order to sort them by business. Each user/account can add six calendars. There is no work around for this at this time. I’m sorry! 

If you need booking notifications to be sent to additional email addresses/calendars, you could also set up a forwarding filter in your inbox to automatically forward all emails received from You can even forward notifications for specific event types by filtering for subject titles that include the event type name. This will allow them to be notified when an invitee schedules with you. I hope this helps!

@KelsiEllie thanks for the reply, so basically this is not optimal for a clinic where 1 single entity (secretary) manage all the calendars(seats) because every seats is a different account and the secretary will have to manage 15 different email acconts…


Hey again!

No, actually, this can absolutely be done - and more easily than you’d think! We have plenty of multi-user accounts run by one secretary, admin or assistant. 

The best method of action here is this: 

  1. The secretary has the main owner/admin sign in (email address and password)
  2. You will set up all other users with their individual emails and passwords and make sure each has a connected calendar
  3. The secretary can then use Admin Managed Events and/or team events (on the aforementioned Teams Page feature) in order to create and assign event types to each of the hosts under the organization
  4. The secretary will only need to log into individual accounts when updates to things like availability schedules and calendar connections are needed (you can also do this, or, have each individual person set up their own availability and calendars and allow the secretary to manage their scheduling) 
  5. You can also check out the Company Admin Guide for more information

I hope this helps!

Thanks for explaining again, but what i mean is that i have to invent 15 different emails, since the clinic has not an email for each room/calendars.  But if for every seats is mandatory to set up an account with email and password then i cannot have 15 calendars/seats (either if its a professional or a room avilability) without setting up 15 accounts


...but if for every seats is mandatory to set up an account with email and password then i cannot have 15 calendars/seats (either if its a professional or a room avilability) without setting up 15 accounts


I’m sorry for the misunderstanding - you are correct. There is now way to allow for 15 overlapping event types (this is what you are referring to, not calendars - just to avoid more confusion!) without creating 15 unique users (accounts with logins) under your organization and setting up an event type, availability and connected calendars for all 15 of them. I’m sorry again! 

You think in the future you 'll allow overlapping events/unique seats,  under same account? I have an AI agent wich is intended to be a virtual reception for clinics ecc..

It can work with clinic with single professionals, wich i can set up an account for every single person and then add them in a team , under my management, and never log in again with their account, since i can manage thei seats as an admin/owner,  but also some of my customers are clinics where the seats are rooms/calendars, so the seats is not rapresented by a person

@OpraMInd at this time there is no plan for allowing overlapping events on a single account. That said, it’s a common feature request. I have looped your feedback and request around to our product team so they can look it over and consider it for future updates. They view this community forum daily and take feedback seriously! I know this isn't exactly what you wanted to hear but do hope the information helps, at least somewhat!

Thanks, i'll try to work with clinics where seats are intended as professionals, then yeah, this feature will solve a lot of large clinics calendars issue, if i can manage multiple seat entities under one business account, thanks for the help