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Using Calendly for field technicians - help!

  • 29 April 2024
  • 1 reply

HI Everyone, very new to this and I appreciate everyone’s input.  We have a service company where we want to use the calendly service to allow our customers to use a provided link to schedule our technicians(done).  Each technician has a work email that syncs to their Outlook Calendar.  Calendly syncs nicely to Outlook Calendars, as I’ve observed.  My question is, how can I allow our customers to select ANY technician to come to their location based on overall calendar availability?  In other words, if I have two technicians and they have their own individual calendar, how can my customer schedule an appointment for EITHER of the technician based on a single calendar availability?  I’m trying to eliminate biased customers who want a particular technician or have to click a dropdown to select each technician if our customer is seeking a specific day and time.  Hopefully, I’m not on another planet with this.  

Hey there @Nick74416 - you are most definitely not on another planet with this use case, and I have the perfect solution for you!

You will want to use a Round Robin Event Type for this use case. It’s designed for exactly what you need to accomplish. Woo hoo! 

A Round Robin ET allows you to assign multiple hosts for a one-on-one (one invitee to one host at a time) event type, booked in “round robin” style between the hosts. The hosts will all have their individual availability set up within the event type, and because of that, all of the available times (for all hosts) will appear on the public booking page. You will then share one single link for invitees to use to book that Round Robin ET. That said - the invitees will not be able to see (or even be made aware) that there are multiple hosts on the event type - as far as they know, there’s one host behind it all and they do not know who it is. The invitee will simply see dates/times to choose from and the name of the event (so, what service they are booking - if you name your events your service - for example). Once they choose the date/time, the booking will be sent through to the next host that is available/in line to be booked!

Each time a host is booked, that booking will appear under their “scheduled events” tab as well as be pushed to their connected “add to” calendar, just like any other event’s booking. 

Click on the Round Robin link above to learn more, and check out the articles below as well! 

You’ll also want to read about how Round Robin distribution works - as there are two different ways you can set this up (optimize for availability and optimize for equal distribution).

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have more questions - we’ll be here!

You’ll also want to check out our Company Admin Guide - it goes over tons of stuff just like this and more. Super helpful as you get started!