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Viewing more than 9 event types

  • 12 January 2024
  • 2 replies

On my Event Types page only 9 are shown and I need to click “Show More” to view others (I currently have 15 active and 6 inactive for later use).

Often on websites you can choose how many of XX you want to view so you don’t need to click through multiple pages. Is there an adjustment for admins so we can see all our event types at once? If not, I’d like to submit this to Calendly as a feature request.

I realize I can reorder them, but as I said, I have 15 active and I find myself tweaking or editing them fairly often.

Thanks for any help.


Hi Tracy!

That’s a very good question and nope - you aren’t missing any setting or adjustment. I’ll add this to our product feedback round up for this month!

I know one thing that helps us internally is to use a bit of a categorization through naming system in the event title. So for example, instead of ‘30 Minute Session’ and ‘Onboarding Kickoff’ we might have it say ‘Customer Success | 30 Minute Session’ and ‘Customer Success | Onboarding Kickoff’. This let us then use the search at the top to narrow down the category.

Thank you.