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I used to be able to see the phone number of the appointment in  Outlook, and then I  was reviewing my Calendly settings and added a location, thinking this would be an improved and now the Phone number doesn’t show in the Outlook calendar. I have removed the location and tried again without success. Please advise 

Hey there @Maurice68731 -- thanks for your post!

Do you mind providing some more details + if possible some screenshots of what you are referring to, here? This way I can dig in and help you figure it out!

Looking forward to hearing back from you!

Hi Kelsi, 

I managed to fix it.

I noticed that the Event booking use to require the phone number to be entered twice, 

in the location box - there is n option for phone number - so I changed it to that and tested it and it works. 

Now the entry in Outlook calendar shows Name / Phone number. 

This is very useful when needing to rebook appointments quickly and I only have access to Outlook and not Calendly when out of the office.



Maurice 68731

Hey again @Maurice68731 -- great news. I’m so glad you figured it out!

Yes -- at times, there will be two phone number fields on your booking page. This depends on the Invitee Questions On Your Booking Page you set up, the location you select + any Workflows you put in place! 

  • If you ask for a phone number via invitee questions, this will be a separate field you can either make mandatory or optional
  • If you set the location to “I will call my invitee” then they will need to enter their phone number for that purpose
  • If you set up any SMS workflows, this will always include an additional required field (automatically) -- invitees can choose to opt in and enter their number in order to receive SMS workflows (reminders) or leave this blank

I am glad you seem to be on the right track! Let us know if you have any questions and we’ll be here. Have a great day, and a great Fourth of July if you celebrate! 🇺🇸