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I am probably in the beta, and my event types that had been set to multiple attendees, and had a daily limit of 1/day gave this message any time someone tried to join an existing meeting, such as the second registrant for a particular event.



I had to disable all my daily limits to make these events functional again. This is a major problem for my Calendly usage, and am hoping it will be rapidly fixed. I Frequently use Calendly to schedule up to 5 people into a single event, and I need to be able to limit the number of each event type per day.

Hi @Ben63582,


I can confirm that we have recognized this as a bug and our team is working diligently on fixing it. You’ve also already identified the same workaround that we are suggesting. I’ll return with more updates as they come. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience.