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I manage a Calendly account for my team of four people (myself included). Whenever someone books, I manually assign them the booking in our Calendar. So say someone books our 30 minute meeting at 9 am, it wont let someone book our 60 minute Zoom at 9 am. Is there a setting I can change to make it so we can book different events at the same time? If they are different events then we should be allowed to do that. 

Hey there! 

The reason you are seeing unavailability for all events at 9AM is due to Overlapping Events. By default, Calendly marks any booking of an event with an “Overlap” error whenever troubleshooting your availability. If you use the “Troubleshoot 🔧” Button at the bottom of the booking page of any of your events, you can find the overlap there. 


The reason this happens is due to the built in overlap for each account. Event Availability is shared across all events, meaning if someone books one event at 9AM, you will not be able to book another 9AM event for any event. There is no way to avoid the overlap across multiple events. 


If you wish to allow multiple bookings at the same time for multiple Team Members, I recommend creating a Calendly Organization within your account. In doing so, you can invite all of your team members to be under the same subscription and their events can be created and managed by the Owner, or an admin appointed by the Owner.

Each user will need to fill a Seat. Seats are what Calendly uses to join together an organization. Seats are like a desk, and anyone can fill the desk. Any Member can be added or removed into a seat at any time with no additional cost, since you pay for the seat. 


Once you create an Organization, you can create a Team Page found under the blue “+ Create” button on the home page. Here is where you can assign members to as many teams as you feel fit. Team Pages have their own unique Landing page (Link after where all Team Events will show there. 


Unfortunately single accounts do not work best for entire teams, but creating a Calendly Organization/Team might be the best fit for you long term! 
