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Why doesn't Calendly accept Apple Pay or Google Pay through the Stripe Integration?

  • 6 March 2024
  • 7 replies

Hello !

I've integrated Calendly with Stripe and I have Apple Pay and Google Pay activated in Stripe, but when I book an appointment and try to make a payment from my phone, I’m not given the option to pay with Apple/Google Pay.

When will Calendy enable Apple Pay, G Pay and Cashapp pay within the payment UI?

Thank you very much in advance!

Hey there @BBM - thanks for your topic and this question!

At this time, while there are certainly limitations to the Stripe integration, your feedback is very valuable to us! I am going to make sure to include this in our monthly roundup for our product team so that they can see it and consider it for the future. While I cannot promise anything about if/when we might see this feature updated, I want to elevate your voice - and I will!

I know this isn't exactly what you wanted to hear but do hope the information helps, at least somewhat!

This feature is ESSENTIAL! This is what is currently stopping me from integrating Stripe with Calendly. Note: Google Calendar offers this feature!

I add: Stripe commissions are lower with Link (link is made in Stripe!) and customers favor Apple Pay and Google Pay! 

Calendly MUST create this feature. Stripe offers it natively when creating payment links...

@DAVID02088 we truly appreciate your feedback. Thank you for posting it! I will make sure to include this feedback in our monthly report for our product team. I wish that I could offer a timeline about if or when it might be implemented as an update, but I can’t - and I’m sorry for that! Keep checking back - and have a great day! 

Hi There,

Just weighing in on this.

Given Calendly is in the SAAS space, you know people aren’t carrying their physical credit cards with them anymore, and the auto-populate feature in iphone isn’t that intuitive whereby it doesn’t remember either EXP or CVV or both.

Apple Pay and GPAY has solved this issue. Please integrate this to check out. 

You’re one step away from being the perfect booking platform.

Because of this "problem", i leave Calendly in favor of Google Calendar…


note: I have been a Calendly customer since a long time.

I just left google calendar ‘appointment setting’ today in favour of calendly.  Google Calendar is a good booking system. super easy to use. There are some functions that you might miss that Calendly has but, overall it’s pretty good and I think you’ll be happy.

I’m going to hold out for Calendly to get the Apple Pay integration happening. It can’t be too far off, surely!

There are features in Calendly that I’m going to enjoy.
