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The “Location” variable, when used in reminder emails etc., actually inserts the word “Location: “ 


How can I make it so that it only inserts ONLY the input data?

I want to add the custom location the client adds instead of “Other Location” 

Eg: Current Email Confirmation

Location: Other Location

What I want: 

Location: 123 John Street SA 

Hey there @Stacey44516 -- thanks for your post!

I took a look at your event types. Several of your ETs have multiple location options to choose from, and for at least one of those ETs your fourth and final location option is quite literally titled, “Other Location.” 

If an invitee selects “Other Location” as the option when booking this event and you have the “location” variable in your Email Confirmation (which I did look to confirm as well), then “Other Location” is what will show up in place of that variable. This variable will always be filled in with the information you input in the ET settings, not what the invitee inputs on the booking page. 

You’ll want to either remove this location option from your ET or rename it for clarity.

I hope this helps!