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Workflow action - add buffer to event

  • 30 October 2023
  • 5 replies

In the options for creating workflows, it would be helpful to have the ability to block off buffer time before and/or after an event - for example, “Prep” and “Post-Meeting” time of whatever lengths (15 min, 30 min, etc.) get added to the calendar when an event is added. Thank you!

Hey there! This is a great idea - so great, in fact, that it’s already a feature. Yay! 

You can read more about our buffer feature, here!

I hope this helps! Please let us know if it doesn’t, and we’ll brainstorm!

Hello! Yes, we are aware of buffers and use them in our event settings. 

The issue is...the buffer itself, when part of an event, does not block that time off on the calendar. Rather it leaves free time before and/or after an event.

I’m suggesting that the buffer(s) actually create a time-block on the calendar before and/or after an event, and that it can be pre-defined per event type. Example: Client Meeting, with a 15-min buffer before and after the event. OPTION 1: add those buffers as blocked-off time on the calendar (as opposed to keeping them as free time); OPTION 2: define the buffers, for example as “Meeting Prep” for before the meeting and “Meeting Follow-Up” for after the meeting. END RESULT: Calendar has at most three new added events - the pre-event buffer, the event itself, and the post-event buffer, all blocked off on the calendar.

Does that make sense? Thank you!

Hello! Yes, we are aware of buffers and use them in our event settings. 

The issue is...the buffer itself, when part of an event, does not block that time off on the calendar. Rather it leaves free time before and/or after an event.

I’m suggesting that the buffer(s) actually create a time-block on the calendar before and/or after an event, and that it can be pre-defined per event type. Example: Client Meeting, with a 15-min buffer before and after the event. OPTION 1: add those buffers as blocked-off time on the calendar (as opposed to keeping them as free time); OPTION 2: define the buffers, for example as “Meeting Prep” for before the meeting and “Meeting Follow-Up” for after the meeting. END RESULT: Calendar has at most three new added events - the pre-event buffer, the event itself, and the post-event buffer, all blocked off on the calendar.

Does that make sense? Thank you!

This absolutely makes sense - and I appreciate the feedback and use case hugely! At this time this is not possible, but I am going to loop the feedback around to our product team for future consideration. We make changes based on user feedback all the time, so thanks for providing it for us! 

I can assure you, however, that while you do not see buffer time being physically added to your calendar - that time is blocked off and cannot be booked over, as per the intended functionality. I hope this at least somewhat helps! 

Hi there, 

I’d like this feature too. Mainly because I use my Calendly for customers to schedule meetings, and these buffers are helpful, but when they’re not on my calendar then co-workers don’t see them and can schedule internal meetings during the “buffer” time. 

Ideally, I’d have the ability to give the buffer that adds a calendar block a name, so before the event, I’d personally call it “prep” whereas after the event I’d call it “recap.” I think it would make sense to have the ability to customize the names of the buffer blocks 

Hi @Viv007,

Good thinking. I’ll add your feedback to our list too!

