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Workflows Bug

  • 16 November 2023
  • 3 replies

I have created workflows, and they are changing on their own. For instance, one workflow is duplicated, and another one is missing. What can I do?

Hi @Till!

Any chance you’re on a team account? Depending on how the Admin/Owner has the account setup (info here), workflows can either be controlled at the admin level or all members of the organization. Depending on how they have it setup, it’s possible you’re actually seeing your peers modifying your workflows.

Let us know!

Hi Jilllian,

thank you, but thats not a team account...So this cant be the problem. In my colleagues' case, the same thing has happened before, but each person has their own account.

Hello @Till! So, to touch on what Jillian was asking about - with Calendly, each user will always have their own account, even when part of a bigger organization within Calendly. Within that account if you our current Standard or Teams plans, or our legacy Professional plan, you can create your own Workflows and apply them to your individual event types. However, you might also be the host on other event types, like team event types, shared event types and/or admin managed event types. If you are a host on a Collective Event Type under a Teams Page, for example, an admin could be making changes to and applying workflows to your event. Read more about this below: 

As a Calendly administrator, you can create Workflows for your teams collective and round robin event types. The process for creating and editing workflows is the same for team and individual event types. However, for team events, you will need to navigate to your team page. There are two ways to get there:

  1. Scroll down from your "My Calendly" page.
  2. Click on "My Calendly" in the top left to select a specific team, then go to the Workflows tab.

NOTE: You must be either an owner, admin, or team manager to create the team Workflows. You CANNOT make Workflows for team event types as a user.


All that said - Workflows will not duplicate or delete themselves. Someone must take these actions for those things to happen. If you are noticing unexpected behavior like duplicated workflows or deleted workflows you don’t remember making changes to, please reach out to our support team so they can take a more thorough look into the issue for you. You can do this by clicking the “help” tab in your account. I hope this helps!