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I am seeing a very weird thing with calendly. Whenever I use someone’s calendly link to book a meeting, and they are using zoom - the event does not automatically get added to my office365 calendar. 


I get their email but I have to manually add to event to the calendar. I have missed a few meetings that I scheduled using someone’s calendly link because the event did not automatically get added to my calendar.


I have synced my calendar with both calendly and zoom. I have also added “” to the safe sender’s list. 


Not sure what else to do. 

Hi ​@Anshul48863 - Thanks for reaching out!

Hm, this is interesting! This sounds like something on Outlooks side in this case. I did some digging and found this article from Outlook, this may have some steps to help:,At%20the%20top%20of%20the%20page%2C%20select%20Settings%20.,to%20start%20receiving%20them%20again.

Beyond this, I’d also reach out to Microsoft support, they may be able to dig further into this as well.

Let me know if you have any questions!
