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When I use Calendly to provide an opportunity for a client to make an appointment, the client turns up as host in the Zoom session and I don’t have the prerogative to set up things as I wish in the Zoom page. I must wait until the client logs in properly before I am able to do so. Sometimes I need to be there first so I can assist the client in signing in to the session. 

How can I change this?

Hey there @Ellis Traub -- thanks for your post!

This is 100% going to be an issue within your Zoom settings, not your Calendly settings. I can still attempt to help you fix it though! 🤗

First, check out these Zoom Help Center articles + Zoom Community questions: 

Based on those, it does seem that this might depend on both your Zoom account settings + the device you are signing into the meeting from.

If those articles/questions do not help you sort this out, please reach out to Zoom support here and consider posting in their community, here. They should be able to assist further.

Good luck! 

Thanks so much. I’ll check out your suggestions and go to Zoom support if I have any more probl


Thanks so much. I’ll check out your suggestions and go to Zoom support if I have any more probl


You are so welcome -- good luck!!! 🍀