I am a therapist with a busy schedule. Most of my clients book their own sessions via my website. I have been using Calendly for years now, and I’m happy with it. But you could make he happier.
I am often fully booked for 3 or more weeks in advance. But only at the beginning/middle of a calendar month. As we approach the end of any calendar month, there are typically a large-ish number of session slots available in the next month. In other words (and I know this sounds crazy but) a non-trivial percentage of my clients simply don’t click the “View next month” button. I’d like to make it easier for them to book sessions into the “next month”.
Off the top of my head, here are some ideas:
- Give us a configurable option to either display the current month OR the first month for which there is actually availability. (I realize this has been discussed before in this Community.)
- Instead of displaying calendar months, display the next x calendar weeks (where x is configurable). After all, toward the end of any calendar month, there is no benefit in displaying a bunch past-dated (un-bookable) weeks. For example: If x=5, then on Jan 28, 2025, you would display (and allow users to book) the weeks of Jan 26, Feb 2, Feb 9, Feb 16 and Feb 23.
- Give us a configurable option to display x (or even just 2) months on the same booking page (i.e. the current month AND next month).
- If all of the above are too complex/expensive, could you at least display (and allow users to book) the first few days of the “next” month. For example in March 2025 (see image below), the last row of March would also show April 1 to 5, and allow those dates to be booked.
That’s all I’ve got. Y’all are super-smart, so you probably have different/better ideas. And also ... if this was the wrong way/place to suggest an enhancement, I apologize.