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As a post graduate teacher, I would like my students to be able to book certain windows of time with me to just meet one-on-one. I’d also like them to be able to view “drop-in” times on my calendar where I’m available for drop-ins, but not bookable for 1:1s. Is there a way to do this so it’s clear when they click on my booking page?

Hi @Kathryn35068!

Hmm. Have you considered using a group event for the drop-in times? I’m thinking it would let you have an idea of who will be dropping by during that time, put a reminder on their calendar (increased likelihood of follow through), and allow you to leverage workflows to send out communications. You could set a limit on the group event based on how many students you think you could reasonably talk with or leave the maximum open ended.

More on group events here:
