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When I click on the Calendly icon for quick access to my event types list, the list that appears includes all the event types that I haven’t deleted 

There are some event types that I’d like to retain for future use but don’t need now. I’d like to be able to remove those event types from the quick access list for the time being, so that the only event types that appear are those that I’m currently using. 

Is there any way to do this?

Thank you. 

Hi Brian,

While you can’t remove inactive event types, the extension (I think this is what you’re referring to when you say “click on the Calendly icon”; if not, please let me know) does let you favorite specific event types so they show at the very top of the list. To favorite, click on the three little dots in the upper right hand corner of the event type and click “Add to Favorites”.

The other thing I tend to do is reorganize my event types so my most used are first and my least used or inactive are last. While in the desktop version (not the extension), you can drag and drop event types to re-order them. The new order will show in your extension as well.

Hope this helps!

Thank you very much! Yes, this is what I meant. And favoriting specific event types so that they’re on the top of the list helps a lot.


Thanks again. 
