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round robin allowing multiple events

  • 8 August 2024
  • 5 replies

I work on a team of educators that frequently hosts guest speakers for our students. We use round robin to do so, so that only one of our team needs to take the time from their calendar to facilitate the meeting. 

However, the current round robin set-up allows for multiple events to be booked at the same time, as long as one host is still available. To avoid double booking our students (we only want one guest speaker to be presenting at a given time!), we have to manually update each host's availability after an event has been booked in order to avoid the possibility of multiple events occurring at the same time.

We’ve been asking for several years now for this feature to be created - would really love to see it as it would free up a lot of tedious time spent manually adjusting availability for our team. 

Hi @Natalie00216,

Hmm. That’s a really interesting scenario!

Can you tell me more about this setup and how students interface with the booking? It sounds like you’re assigning the teacher using Round Robin, but I’m lacking clarity on how a group of students then books that session.

Hi @jillian , 

We are a team of college counselors and use this particular round-robin event to host a college visit series. College admission representatives book a session in Calendly, which is assigned to one of our team members via round robin. As sessions are booked, we provide the locations/Zoom links to students interested in that college. The Calendly event setup itself is used for interfacing with those external visitors to our school. What we’re running into, though, is multiple college visits being booked at the same time, unless we manually edit all of our team members’ availability after each individual visit is booked. We’d love a way to just automatically remove the time slot for all team members so that only one visit is taking place at a time!

Hmm. Alright. Have you looked into using a daily limit for Round Robin events? If you set this to 1 per day, it would definitely ensure there aren’t multiple visits happening at the same time. More on that here:

Hi Jillian, 


We are happy to have multiple events per day - we just don’t want them occurring at the same time as one another! The limit per day doesn’t seem to be able to address that, unfortunately. 

Hey Natalie,

I’m still asking around and trying to see if we’ve got any creative solutions. Don’t have anything to share yet, but we’re brainstorming.
