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Troubleshoot your availability - explained!

  • 25 October 2023
  • 6 replies

Are you noticing time on your booking pages that are not available, but should be? Perhaps you are available but expected yourself to be busy instead! We’ve got your back.

You can use our Troubleshooting availability tool on your scheduling page in order to understand what's causing a conflict in your schedule. I find it to be super helpful and it resolves most availability issues. 🎉 

Check out this Loom video I created going over how to use the Troubleshooting tool, how to interpret errors in your availability and how to fix them! 

In the above video, I go over how to access this tool, how to figure out what each error means, and how to fix those errors!

One error (or “title”) you run into might be “Calendar.” If you are a Google Calendar user (for example), Calendly will view your Google events with this "busy" event status as scheduling conflicts and will automatically remove the time from your scheduling page (including all-day or multi-day events). You can access and change this setting by double-clicking on the event id in your calendar and changing the status from "busy" to "free" as shown below:

To see why you're free when you should be unavailable: go to your Calendly home page > select "account" and then "calendar connections" > at "check for conflicts" select "edit" > select all calendars that should be checked for conflicts.

I hope this helps! There are many more errors to dig into - but this is a great start! 

If anyone has any questions about troubleshooting their availability - this is a great place to start! =) 

My Calendly pages show availability for time slots that should be blocked by activities on my Google calendar. Daily events are properly recognized, but events on “other calendars” that are connected and displaying in Google are ignored. I’ve reviewed and updated the Configuration → Check for conflicts with the correct calendars checked with no change,

Can you help?



Hi Chuck55637!  I think I can probably help with this one.


In GCal you have your calendar but also you can subscribe to other calendars. The events from those calendars will appear on your Google calendar but unless the username associated with your calendar (your email) is attending any of those events, Calendly won’t be able to see them. Calendly only sees the events that you are attending, and by you I mean your username/email. 


So, for instance, I have a work email with a work calendar and a personal email with a personal calendar, both in google. On my work calendar I’ve subscribed to my personal calendar so I can see all my personal commitments but my Calendly is only tied to my work calendar. If I wanted Calendly to take my personal events into consideration I’d need to also connect my personal calendar. ***Note that connecting to two different calendars via Calendly will mean two seats in a license is being used. 


I have a couple workarounds for you. If all the events in this other calendar are ones that you plan on attending you could invite and/or add yourself to those events. Alternatively, you could add all the events from those other calendars to the one connected to Calendly. You can automate this in google → Automatically add events to calendars 


More on connecting calendars → Connect multiple calendars to your Calendly account

Since connecting to multiple calendars can get complicated, more on that below:

Working with multiple email accounts and calendars

Hi Sean, thanks for the reply. This was helpful to understand the factors involved, but I still haven’t resolved the issue.

My situation is I have a personal GCal connected to Calendly but also is subscribed to another calendar, let’s call it School, which I believe is Outlook. GCal doesn’t give me a way to directly RSVP. On the School website I can RSVP to the events, but after syncing the Calendly, it makes no difference.

“If all the events in this other calendar are ones that you plan on attending you could invite and/or add yourself to those events.”

I plan to attend all but I can’t find a way to “add myself” to the School events on GCal. It does have the function “Copy to Daily” which again does nothing.

So it seems the issue revolves around GCal/Calendly recognizing my attendance to the School events. How can I invite or add myself when it’s not my meeting?


@Sean Marlin I have connected my Apple calendar with Calendly.

I am teaching music and I have weekly recurring events.

If somebody is ill or on holiday I delete the event for this week.

Some of these events are shown in Calendly to book for my other students. Some don't??

I used another tool for years and switched to Calendly recently.

If I use the troubleshooting tool it says “calendar” but there is no event in my calendar.

Any ideas? Thank you.

I already reconnected the calendar.



I could solve the problem. It's when I move an event in the apple calendar, the old spot looks free but Calendly does not get it. So if I want to move an event, I will delete it and make a new one in the future.

So the old event is free again. Thank you anyway.
