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Welcome to Calendly from Community 👋👋👋

If you have created an account for Calendly through LinkedIn there is a whole world of features available through your account that might be new. 


Is Calendly new to you?

If you signed up for Calendly, for the first time, through your LinkedIn Premium account, here are some next steps to help you get the most out of your new account.

As a new Calendly user, you'll receive a free 14-day trial period of our Teams plan, giving you the opportunity to explore many of Calendly’s paid features. Once your trial period ends, you will automatically be placed on our Free plan. If you’re interested in accessing more features, you can easily upgrade to a paid plan at any time.


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Extension for LinkedIn Messaging

Schedule meetings straight from LinkedIn Messaging

Along with adding your Calendly link to your LinkedIn profile, you can use the Calendly for LinkedIn Messaging®️ extension to make scheduling easier within LinkedIn Messaging. This feature allows you to share scheduling links, create one-off meetings, and set up meeting polls directly within LinkedIn Messaging, Sales Navigator, or LinkedIn Recruiter.

To explore the extension, check out Calendly for LinkedIn Messaging