Get the Most Out of Calendly Community

  • 8 September 2023
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 6

Hey there Calendly Community!

At first glance, communities can seem like a lot: noisy, busy, and maybe even a bit chaotic. But here’s the deal - with a bit of intentionality, you can get so much from just a little time spent here. Want to know how?

  1. Search Before Posting: Before hitting that “New Topic” button, take a moment to search the community. There’s a solid chance that someone else has asked something related to your question. And hey, it could even be the answer. This saves you time and as a scheduling efficiency tool, we love nothing more.
  2. Ask Great Questions: Great questions don’t need to be advanced, deep, or intricate. Great questions are made up of clear elements, context, and examples when possible. Learn more here.
  3. Engage in Conversations: As your resident introvert, the idea of breaking into an ongoing conversation with complete strangers in person is actually terrifying. But communities are different. You are all strangers and other strangers will be grateful for your input. If I can do it, you can do it.
  4. Share Your Knowledge: Did you know that what you’re doing with Calendly is really really really cool? We realize that when you shared your excitement over Thanksgiving dinner last year, you didn’t get the reaction you were hoping for from Grandma. But we get it. We’ll cheer, celebrate, and absolutely freak out about what you’re doing. So go ahead. Share your hack, your workflow, or that thing that’s got you all amped up. Connect + Learn is a great place to start!
  5. Let Others Know They’ve Helped: There’s probably no worse feeling on the internet than feeling like you’re shouting into a void and no one can hear you. Is this thing even on? Be the voice someone hears back. If a response or perspective has helped you or made a difference, say so with a quick “thanks!” or better yet hit that “Best Answer” button.

Calendly Community is here for YOU. Make the most of it!

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