Wondering why you can't see your post?
We probably have Pre-moderation turned on. Pre-moderation means that every post is reviewed by our team before it becomes public. When pre-moderation is turned on you will see a delay (sometimes hours or days) between clicking "Create" and seeing your post go live in the Calendly Community. Count on pre-moderation being enabled during weekends, U.S. holidays, but also other select times based on company requirements.
Why do we do this?
Pre-moderation is one of the ways we protect our members. Spam and abuse tend to spike during off-hours, and pre-moderation helps us maintain the high-quality and safe experience you expect. This ensures that the community remains safe, welcoming, and free from spam or abuse during times when our team may have reduced availability.
What should you do in the meantime?
Just click Create/Send once! There’s no need to submit your post multiple times. Our team will review it as quickly as possible, and it’ll be live as soon as we’ve clicked approve.
Thank you for your patience and for being part of the Calendly Community! We appreciate your understanding and your commitment to making this a great space for everyone.