I have the free version and will not purchase the standard version unless I can resolve the following issue. I have previously only used my Apple calendar to track my schedule. Unfortunately Calendly no longer integrates with iCal, but does with Google Calendar. What I have done is to sync my iCal calendar to my Google calendar which appears to work seamlessly. Now, in attempting to sync my free version of Calendly to my Google Calendar, I’m encountering the following issues. Utilizing the Integration & apps feature, I selected Google Calendar which took me to the Calendar Sync page. In the “My Calendar Account” section my Google Calendar associated email address is displayed.
In the “Check for conflicts” section of the “Configuration” section, I am presented with three selection choices of places to check for conflicts: 1.) Appointments on Facebook for Assistance Insurance Agency, 2.) My Google Calendar associated email address, 3.) Home.
When I select only # 2, My Google email address, then click on the “Back to home” link to test the scheduler by clicking on my Calendly scheduling link, I’m able to double book an appointment for a time slot already filled in my Google calendar.
If I go back to the “Check for conflicts” section of the “Configuration” section, and also select the “Home” box, they try to schedule an appointment, I’m not able to schedule an appointment as I’m immediately presented with a notification stating “No times in November”(I’m scheduling an appointment for November). In fact, the scheduler won’t even let me choose the next month in order to schedule an appointment.
In the conflicts section, it seems choosing any selection other than the one for my Google email address will not let me schedule an appointment.
The one and only positive so far is that it seems that Calendly will not double book a timeslot already filled by another Calendly scheduled appointment.
I’m at my wits end with trying to get this thing to work and recognize non Calendly appointments so it won’t double book them.