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Email for no-shows

  • 15 February 2024
  • 6 replies



I want to know if someone marked as ¨no-show¨ can received an email or notification to remind them they did not show up to the meeting and inviting them to reschedule one. 

Hi @Violeta66112!

At this time, we don’t currently have a workflow for no-show invitees but we’re well aware of the request and it’s something our Product team is looking into. No promises on when it’s coming, but we’ll keep making noise about it!

In the meantime, there are some crafty workarounds you can do using Zapier and I’ve actually got an article coming out next week on how to do that.

Thank you! Where can I check out these articles? 🙂

Thank you! Where can I check out these articles? 🙂

As soon as the article Jillian was referring to is up it’ll be front and center (as a feature) in community - you won’t be able to miss it! In the meantime, you can also check out other articles we’ve written in community by clicking on a staff profile picture (mine, Jillian’s, Sam’s). You can also check out our Help Center! =) 


i also really need this feature.

Hey @Jennifer83581 and @Violeta66112 - check out this article that walks through our workaround using Zapier! 

For now, this workaround is the way you can meet this goal. I hope it helps! 

Thanks but--My company already pays a bit for Calendly so they are not going to pay for an additional app to fix what Calendly can’t do. I would ask you to push up this request as it seems it would be a simple add on to functions you already have.