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Has there been any work on letting users create events that span more than one day?


This question was asked a year ago. I like that the rep suggested workarounds but they were too complicated.


I do not see how hard it would be to create a programmatic process, internally, where a function would repeat booking one 24-hr-day multiple times depending on the number of days the duration is set for. It does not even have to be 24-hr-days either, it could see how many hours are in the work-schedule and book the day for that many hours.

Hi ​@SourceCode30716,

Unfortunately there hasn’t been any changes to functionality quite yet, but it’s something we’ve continued to share feedback with our Product team on.

Any chance you’d mind sharing some information on your use case? It’s super helpful and adds a ton of context.

Thanks for getting back quickly, Jilian,


This is my use-case:

I want to use Calendly to block off time in my calendar as “100% dedicated” to a specific client. This “100% dedicated” booking will be a 3-day block. This event is meant to be more of a place holder than a meeting.

Ideally I’d like to have the client select which dates I am to work with them, so that they go to the booking page and click on the start date and the other days are blocked immediately as one block.


I am also highly interested on this enquire. I need to create a event for a 2 days training and I need to block the two full days and the student to pay for the course through the event booking. 

Ideally I would also like to give the student to select the 2 days as it is a training that needs to be teaching in correlative days. 

Would you please advice if there is any workaround or when would be this option available for users?


Thank you so much.
