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Full Days at Different Locations - Viewing complete availability

  • 21 October 2023
  • 3 replies

I am setting up my clinic schedule so that I am in one location for a full day and I move around to different locations. 


The problem I’m having is I haven’t found a way to view my complete availability to avoid being booked in one location at 0900 then a different location across town at 1000. Right now I have a different event for each location, and am attempting to manage the multiple different availabilities for each event. However, I can’t view my FULL availability to make sure there isn’t overlap 


There is not (yet!) a way to view all of your events and their available times on one page. Luckily, Calendly is intentionally designed to ensure overlaps are never allowed! If you are booked in one location at 10am, for example, none of your other events will allow bookings at that time. It’ll automatically be blocked off.

That said, knowing you have to travel between locations, I suggest using before and/or after buffers on your event type. This way, if it takes 30 minutes to bounce between clinics, you aren’t booked during those minutes either. I’d suggest including a little more time than is needed to get from place to place.

You can read more about these settings here!


Thanks. The issue is I am NOT traveling. I am scheduling in one location and the schedule is not rotating so I’m manually inputting my times and locations- which increases the risk of human error.  

When is the release with a full calendar anticipated? 

Hey @CPT57048!

No specific date we can communicate yet. I believe the functionality Kelsi alluded to is being tested as part of some more elaborate features and functionality.

I’d recommend keeping an eye on the Product Updates section of this community as we’ll be posting more and more regular updates, release notes, etc. there very soon!