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How do you integrate calendly with squadcast

  • 7 August 2024
  • 6 replies

How do I integrate squadcast with calendly.  I cant seem to figure out in Zapier


Hi Shawn47662! This is a question that is highly dependent on the triggers and actions you’ve set up in Zapier. I will say, that we have had some members with issues like this before. I wonder if @Kerbisverse ever had any success at this. I know they were struggling earlier. I’m going to leave a link to that thread and two pages from Zapier and a second option AirSlate.

SquadCast + Calendly?

Zapier site → Connect Calendly to SquadCast and automate your work

AirSlate site → SquadCast + Calendly Integrations

Hi Shawn47662! This is a question that is highly dependent on the triggers and actions you’ve set up in Zapier. I will say, that we have had some members with issues like this before. I wonder if @Kerbisverse ever had any success at this. I know they were struggling earlier. I’m going to leave a link to that thread and two pages from Zapier and a second option AirSlate.

SquadCast + Calendly?

Zapier site → Connect Calendly to SquadCast and automate your work

AirSlate site → SquadCast + Calendly Integrations

I wasn’t able to get it to work via Zapier either. I’m curious about AirSlate but it looks like the integration isn’t available yet. Alas, I’m still using Zoom for podcast recordings.

I am just sending the link to squadcast manually


I managed to integrate Calendly with SquadCast using Zapier however it required 5 actions after the trigger:


Step 2 is a filter step because I have multiple Calendly events so the zap only continues if the Calendly event name contains the right words (in my case Macpreneur guest interview)


Step 3 convert the recording day coming from Calendly into the format YYYY-MM-DD (i.e. 2024-08-26) 

This is important because by default Calendly will convert the slot chosen by the guest into the UTC time zone and depending on your own time zone, there could be up to 1 day difference.

So this step does 2 things:

  1. Strip the time
  2. Convert the day back into my own time zone

⚠️ You’ll need to select your own timezone in the field “To Timezone”


Step 4 extracts the Calendly event start time and converts it into the “h:mm A” format in my time zone

I found this step crucial for the Squadcast session to start at the right time

⚠️ Use the same “To Timezone” as step 3


Step 5 is the same as step 4 but for the event end time

⚠️ Use the same “To Timezone” as step 3 & 4


Step 6 creates the SquadCast recording session and unique studio for the booked Calendly event

  • Select the desired SquadCast show
  • Setup the SquadCast session name as you like (in my case, it’s the Calendly event name followed by the guest first and last names)
  • For the recording session date, use the output of step 3
  • For the recording session time, use the output of step 4
  • For the recording session end time, use the output of step 5
  • For the recording session timezone, use the same as the “To” from step 3, 4 & 5
  • For the “Invite to stage” field, feel free to add the email address of the guest coming from the trigger step. 
  • Decide what fits best for the last 3 fields:
    • Invite to Backstage (I leave this empty)
    • Favorite (I chose ‘True’)
    • Enable Video Recording (I chose ‘True’ because it’s a video podcast)

PS: I’ve chosen not to add the guest email address in the stage field as I didn’t like the automatic email sent by SquadCast. Instead, my Zap continues by creating a Gmail message with the right information and my own signature. However, it’s a bit more complex so the easiest is still to add the email address communicated by the guest when they booked the Calendly event.

Hope this helps!


PPS: The thing I’ve never been able to do is get the SquadCast Session URL back into the Calendly event. This is why my Zap has a few more steps, including waiting for a while then sending a reminder email with the SquadCast session link to the guest a second time. A direct integration between Calendly and SquadCast would solve this problem and the lack of it has pushed me to investigate SavvyCal which offers a SquadCast integration natively.

@Macpreneur amazing! Descript is launching a new recording feature with a static virtual recording room link that we can just put in all Calendly bookings as a soon to be released alternative to this complicated integration. 

@Macpreneur amazing! Descript is launching a new recording feature with a static virtual recording room link that we can just put in all Calendly bookings as a soon to be released alternative to this complicated integration. 

Thanks for the heads up @Kerbisverse! It’s called Descript Rooms and currently in beta:

In the meantime, I’ve signed up for SavvyCal and will give it a go for a couple of months. The first benefit is that I was able to completely ditch the Zapier automation while making it much easier for the guests: less emails and the calendar invitation contains the direct link to their dedicated SquadCast session.

However, I’m intrigued by the Descript Rooms feature and will definitely try it out in parallel.
