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Missed appointment

  • 9 November 2023
  • 3 replies

Hello, How do I mark an appointment as missed? Meaning the invitee ghosted the appointment. 

Hey, Dylan! Here’s how you can mark an invitee as a no-show: 

  1. Select the Scheduled Events tab.
  2. Go to your Past events, and click on the Details button for your chosen event.
  3. Click the Mark as no-show button next to an invitee.
  4. Confirm your decision.

The invitee will now have a red icon labelling them as a no-show to your scheduled event.


Anyone marked as a no-show will not receive scheduled post-meeting Workflows (e.g. a 'thank you' follow up).

This feature is great when combined with our reconfirmation Workflow, making it easy to track an invitee’s engagement before and after your event.

Some additional notes: 

  • In addition to Workflows, the no-show status will also work with an event type's email follow-ups.
  • The No Show button only will be visible for events that have passed the originally scheduled "start time."
  • The no-show status is included in a Scheduled Events CSV export.
  • Hosts can undo a no-show if they change their mind.
  • This option is also available for group events, where each invitee can be marked as a 'no-show' separately.


Thank you!! Is there anyway with a workflow, to have a text get sent to the invitee when they are marked as a no-show?

Hey @Dylan31850 - great question! That is not a feature we have available at this time, while it does sound like a great one to consider for later! I do hope the info I provided above proves helpful, though - let me know if you get stuck or have further questions and I’ll be here! =)