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More admin permissions

  • 12 March 2024
  • 3 replies

I would LOVE, as the company IT support/operations manager, to be able to set individual users’ links, add their Zoom link and set their availability through the admin area instead of having to log in as that user. My company owners & senior staff have their admin or me handle things like this and it would be so much better and safer to be able to manage this from the admin side.


Any other things you’d like to be able to do as an admin?

Hey there @Sara35241 - great feedback, here! I can totally see how having more permissions like these as the owner/admin of a Calendly organization would be extremely useful. 

I hope other users chime in like you asked them to - seeing an engaging convo on this would be so great!

I will also make sure to mark your own feedback for our product team to see in our monthly report. =) 

I just asked this same question. I have 2 managers and the support team schedules for them by sending out the specific links. I can’t figure out how to add a Zoom to 1 of the new managers/users. This seems silly. Why in the world would I have multiple users if they need to use the same Zoom account @ only one at a time. Defeats the purpose of having another user. They’re competing for the same 30 hours in each week!


I just asked this same question. I have 2 managers and the support team schedules for them by sending out the specific links. I can’t figure out how to add a Zoom to 1 of the new managers/users. This seems silly. Why in the world would I have multiple users if they need to use the same Zoom account @ only one at a time. Defeats the purpose of having another user. They’re competing for the same 30 hours in each week!


Hello Ann! 

I’m sorry for the frustration, and for any confusion here. Your users absolutely do not have to share the same Zoom account within their Calendly accounts. They can all go to their own integration pages and set up their own Zoom accounts (or any Zoom account). One Zoom account can be shared across many Calendly accounts, which benefits some teams, but is absolutely not required! Most users do integrate with their own Zoom accounts, be those work or personal Zoom accounts. 

The confusion might be coming in here because you are attempting to add a Zoom account for another user. You would need to log into that user’s account in order to do this, or, advise the user to set up the integration themselves. You cannot set up the integration for them from within your own owner/admin account. I do hope this clears things up!

You can advise your new user to set up their Zoom integration following the steps in this article

You can also check out this community article about setting up Zoom as an owner/admin. 

Let us know if you have any further questions - we are more than happy to help! 

