Good news for admins: Connect Zoom once for faster team scheduling

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Good news for admins: Connect Zoom once for faster team scheduling

Behind every organization that uses Calendly to schedule as a team is at least one account admin who’s taking care of things behind the scenes. We tip our hat to account admins — they’re in charge of inviting users, creating time-saving event templates and routing logic, and keeping up with meeting analytics to help their team schedule even more efficiently.

One piece of feedback that kept bubbling up was that while account admins love our Zoom integration, their teammates were sometimes forgetting to set up their Zoom account. This means some teammates weren’t able to automatically generate Zoom links and details for their scheduled meetings, and admins needed to keep reminding them to set up their Zoom integration — not ideal all around.

We’re excited to share that admins on Teams and Enterprise plans can now set up Zoom on behalf of their organization so all teammates instantly have access to their favorite video conferencing tool!

Admins can connect Zoom for their organization to: 

  • Check off an onboarding step: Make it easy to start scheduling when Zoom’s already connected. 
  • Solve for missing integrations: Give existing users who haven’t connected Zoom instant access. 
  • Set it and forget it: Add Zoom once and future teammates get the integration, no action needed

Watch Jacob show you how to set up Zoom for your organization in under 2 minutes, or check out the help center article for step-by-step instructions.


Want more? We have more admin-managed integrations in the works. Stay tuned!