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Is there any solution / advice for no shows? 

what I’m essentially hoping to achieve is to create appointments automatically for myself to follow up for no shows. so that no show clients won’t be forgotten.


Thanks in advance.

This is a fantastic question! While there isn’t a way to automate this at the moment, when you mark an invitee as a no-show, it will appear in the .csv file created when you export your invitee info from the Scheduled Events page.

While not a fully automatic solution, you could export your invitee info, filter the spreadsheet for lines with the response “yes” in the “marked as a no-show” column, and use that compiled list to keep track of and follow up with your no-shows.

If, like me, you would be worried about forgetting to do this on a regular basis, you could create a recurring calendar event to remind you to check for no-shows.

I totally understand why this is something you’d like to do though, and I hope that we’ll be able to natively offer this functionality in the future! 

@Atsuko82628 We are starting the work to automatically detect no-shows for remote meetings that happen over tools like Zoom. 

This should take some of the manual work out of tracking when a client does not show up! I’m curious to hear if this would be valuable to you and what other actions you’d like to take on your no-shows.