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I have a Calendly user that left our company, so I need to remove this person from our account. There is one scheduled event with this person as an organizer If I remove her, will I have the option to reassign that event to someone else on our account, or am I going to have to fully reschedule it with the other person?

(the ability to switch out organizers on scheduled event is a wish list item for us anyway).

Hi @Bullhorn23135,


When you remove a user from your Calendly account who is the organizer of an event, the system does not automatically reassign the event to another team member. You will need to manually reschedule or reassign it. Before removing the user from the accoun you should edit the event by assigning a new organizer. If the event is part of a shared event type, like a round robin event, any team members that are already linked to that shared event can be set as hosts. If you delete the user without reassigning you will need to recreated that event under a different organizer. All that said, if you have access to their linked calendar if my be simpler to just cancel and reschedule the event with the invitee. My colleague’s post HERE has is a good primer for managing seats and I’m leaving some resources below that explain all this in more detail.


Adding and removing additional users
How to manage your users
Setting up and managing shared events