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We’ve been working hard to simplify your experience using Calendly. Where before, related features were spread across multiple areas, we’ve now consolidated them into a more seamless workflow. This article is intended to give you a simple description of the suite of changes in one place. If you want more detailed information for any of these feature changes, be sure to check out our Help Center articles. Many users were having trouble visualizing how individual Calendly settings were working together to define availability. It can get confusing when you have set schedules as well as different free/busy rules in specific event types all interacting. This redesign is aimed to make Calendly both faster to use and more intuitive. 

Be sure to check out our help center article for more details - Easier Scheduling with Calendly’s Updates!


Availability Features

We’ve improved your availability management bringing features spread disparately across Calendly into one simple to use screen. Your availability in Calendly is the combination of your set schedule, holidays, and busy times from your connected calendar(s). You can manage all of these settings on the Availability page. 

(Help Center Article)


Availability Management

  • Default Schedule 
    • List View - This view includes your weekly schedule as well as date specific hours
    • Calendar View - You can also toggle this schedule to a calendar view
  • Global Holidays - You can toggle on and off what holidays you are taking as well and change available holiday based on Country
  • Calendar Settings - Your connected calendars that Calendly uses to determine your availability

Free/Busy Rules (Book Over Meetings)

  • This lives at the Event Type level in “Scheduling Settings.” It is a powerful tool to allow you to double book yourself when necessary.

Buffer management

  • As always, Buffers are optional. If you choose to use them they are now visible on both your external calendar and in your Meetings Tab. You can delete them either directly from you calendar or from within Calendly. Modifying buffers happens from within Calendly and can also be disabled from the calendar settings page.

Daily Meetings are now called Max Meetings

  • Daily Meetings are now called Max Meetings.
  • For specific event types, you can control how often you can be scheduled by setting daily, weekly, and/or monthly limits.


Event Type Simplification Features

We’ve improved Event Type creation and management. Your Event Type Editor has moved. Instead of directing you to a new screen it will now pop out as a “rail” on the right hand side of your screen. The Event Type Editor is a tool used to create and update event types, allowing you to customize your meeting settings, set availability, and configure automated notifications.

(Help Center Article)


Two levels to Event Type creation 

  • Level One is where you will outline the Title, Duration, Location, Date Range, and Schedule for your new event. Once completed you can either preview your booking page or click “more options” for level two. 
  • Level Two is where you can edit all the details of your new Event Type including: Description, Limits & Buffers, Free/Busy Rules, Booking Page Options, Invitee Forms, Payments, Notifications and Workflows, and Confirmation Page. These sections can all be expanded by clicking the carrot next to each section title.
  • Your default Schedule can be applied here. You also have the option to customize your hours for those hours for your Event Type and apply them to other Event Types.
  • You will have both the option to look at your event schedule as a list or in a calendar view.



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